Questionnaire How do you measure up? Find out if you are ‘Fit for Business’Please complete and submit this form. Once submitted, we will be in touch to book a FREE 20-minute consultation call with you to give you your results and to suggest ways in which you can improve your business, mindset and health.NameLast NameTelephone NumberEmailLet's get startedHow did you hear about ‘Get Fit for Business’?: Please choose one from the selection below. A. Webinar B. Social Media C. EmailD. Friend / colleague (please, name them)E. Other (please specify)Healthy Business Section1. How long have you been running your business A. Less than a year B. 2-5 years C. 6-10 years D. Over 10 years3. What is your target for your turnover for the next 12-months A. Up to £100k B. Up to £250k C. Up to £500k D. Over 500k5. Do you set goals for your business? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes7. What skills or input do you need to take your business to the next level? (please select all that apply) Select all that applyA. MarketingB. LegalC. FinancialD. SystemsE. HRF. Other (please specify)Additional Skills needed2. What is your current business turnover? A. Under £25k B. Up to £100k C. Up to £250k D. Over £250k4. Do you have what you need in place to keep you on target for achieving this figure? A. Yes B. No C. Not Sure6. Are your goals realistic, both short-and long-term? A. Yes B. No C. Not Sure8. How important do you think the role of a business coach / mentor could be to your business? A. Very important B. Important C. Not important9. How much have you invested in mentoring and self-development in the last 2 years? A. Nothing B. I’ve invested time but not money C. Up to £5k D. Over £5k10. On a scale of 1-10 where would you currently rate your business and why? - Select -1234567891011. If you could take your business to a 10, what help or support would be most helpful? PreviousNextHealthy Mindset Section12. Do you believe that with hard work and application, you can achieve whatever you set out to? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation14. Are you creating too much pressure upon yourself because you’ve over-extended yourself, have too many deadlines or believe that “there’s not enough time?” A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation16. Do you wake up grateful to be alive for another day, and are you in the habit of daily recognizing and expressing thanks for all you have to be grateful for? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation18. Do you see the positive side of events, even when they appear not in your favour? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation20. Do you operate from a win-win mindset where both you and the other parties can be happy and satisfied with your achievements? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation13. Do you freely and appropriately express yourself, or do you keep most of your worries and frustrations inside? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation15. Do you take a few minutes every morning to reflect on and plan your day? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the day17. Are you content with what you have, or are you always striving for more in order to feel secure? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation19. Are you able to perceive life challenges, obstacles and “accidents” as new opportunities to grow and to learn? A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the situation21. In terms of your current happiness – on a scale of 1-10 where would you rate yourself right now and why? - Select -12345678910Explain22. If you could improve your mindset & get you to a 10 – what would you like to change? PreviousNextHealthy Body Section23. How often do you exercise? A. Never B. 1-2 sessions a week C. 3-5 sessions a week D. More than 5 sessions a week 25. Would you say that you are physically more active, less active, or about as active as other persons your age? A. A lot more B. A little more C. A lot less D. A little less27. Do you smoke? A. Yes B. No C. Socially29. How much water do you drink a day? A. I don’t drink water B. Under a litre a day C. 1-1.5 litres a day D. 2 litres or more a day31. Do you have any medical conditions that mean you have to take medication? 24. For how long have you exercised at this frequency? A. Less than 1 month B. Up to 6 months C. Up to a year D. A year or more26. On an average day, how many steps do you do? A. Under 2.5k B. Up to 5k C. Up to 7.5k D. Up to 10k E. Over 10k28. Do you drink alcohol? A. No A. Less than 14 units a week B. Up to 25 units a week C. Over 26 units a week30. Do you eat a balanced diet? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes32. In terms of your physical health, on a scale of 1-10 – where would you rank yourself and why? Explain33. If you could take your health up to a 10, what one thing would you like to improve? When you fill in this questionnaire we will use the information to contact you with the results and to provide you with relevant strategies and information to help your business. 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